The Future of Black Conservatives

The year 2020 has been quite an interesting one. Now it seems that the Left is poised to steal the 2020 election. This will place America on a hard path to socialism, and no, it’s not the sexy National variety thereof.

Candace Owens, Black Conservative

I know, coon comments incoming in 5…4…3…2…1.

I really don’t care anymore. I was going to be outcast from the mainstream Black community anyway. Yes, I voted for Trump to serve a second term. Indeed, I find Northeast Asian women attractive. Yep, I creampied a White woman on multiple occasions, and she wasn’t a landwhale. No, I do not find communism, equity, or intersectionality to be reasonable solutions to the Black community’s plight in 2020. I am sad to say, that there really is no viable solution.

You’ve Been Duped

The Black Conservative movement, or at least that promoted by the mainstream, such as Blexit, was a tool to obtain a marginal amount of Black votes for Trump and other Republicans, just like BLM is a tool of the Left. Neither movement is going to improve the plight of the Black in the United States or the world. Truly embracing conservative values would likely help our communities, or at the very least help us as individuals, and Republican policies, at least in my opinion, would be better for the United States as a whole. You are sadly mistaken if you thought that you were going to be accepted by mainstream non-Black society for putting on a MAGA hat.

MAGA Hulk, Black Conservative

If you believe that removing the “evil Orange Man” from office will solve racism forever, you are also sorely mistaken.

At the time of this writing, President Trump is attempting to settle the score in the court of law. Regardless of the outcome, there will likely be unrest. Unlike Charlottesville and other sparks that have occurred, this time, it will probably be unavoidable.

The Left has traditionally used the Black race as a battering ram to destroy Western society. As the West crumbles, so shall we. Like it or not, Black Americans are tied to and reliant upon the West. You may see individuals of other races fall or endure pain, and this may make you feel good to see them fall from their high horse, but at the end of the day, your life will still suck. Moreover, Whites and other races are used to winning and won’t take being stripped of these winnings lightly, and when the backlash comes, you will be in the crosshairs.

Being a Black Conservative is not going to save you from the wrath of Humanity (non-Blacks). I know that many of you wish to be accepted. I would choose that option if it were available. Unfortunately, we are destined to be hated and outcast from society. Black Conservatives will end up being between a rock and a hard place. Non-Blacks will not accept you, the likes of AOC will seek to purge all conservatives, and the simp-chimps will target you for not being a part of “da struggo” (the struggle). Most unfortunate indeed.

I tried to warn you…

As a contingency plan, I had tried to urge Black Conservatives to look into molding the Black Nationalist movement into something that would promote conservative values among Blacks instead of “we wuz kangz”, “melanin magic”, and other “hooga-mooga” feel-good rhetoric. They should have listened. We could have had Wakanda for real.

Oh well, it’s over for Blackcels.

Ku Klux Klones
Order 66 on Negroes is Coming!

Verdict: There is no future for Black Conservatives, just as there is no future for Blacks as a whole in the world.

Stand back and stand by for book suggestions that will be relevant in the days ahead.